​Lady sexually assaults her sleeping friend by sticking fingers in her private part and thrusting them into her mouth (Disturbing Video)

A disturbing viral video showing a sleeping woman being sexually assaulted by one of her friends is causing an outrage online.

The video, first shows a woman sticking her fingers in the sleeping lady’s nose and mouth. She then sticks her fingers in her private part and thrust them into her sleeping friend’s mouth and nose. 
Not satisfied with her offensive behaviour, she also brought out a dog treat and placed it in the mouth of her sleeping friend, who was unaware of what was happening all through.
However, the video ends after the lady heads to the kitchen, bringing out what appears to be a metal spoon in another attempt to feed her stones. “she gotta wake up, bruh!”, she said before the footage stopped 


Watch the disturbing video Here

Source; lindaikejisblog.com



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