It was discovered that the occurrence happened on a Friday night as Muslims in the vicinity were praying at a nearby mosque for the Isha’i (Sunset) prayers.
Our correspondent also learned that five worshipers, including a leader of the vigilante group, were shot and killed by the thugs in the sosque as they were praying.
According to a source who wished to remain anonymous, the bandits also killed two additional victims in various areas of the community.
Abdulrahaman Yusuf, the community’s leader, confirmed the tragedy and added that the head of the village’s vigilante was one of the victims killed inside the mosque while worshipers were offering prayers.
The vigilante leader was pursued to the mosque, where Yusuf and other victims were shot and executed, according to Yusuf.
We had suspicions that they had tracked the vigilante leader to the mosque in order to assault him. When they arrived and began firing, we were in the mosque praying. A driver who delivered food to the village was also killed, and five people were slaughtered in the mosque. In a neighbouring village, the second individual was killed, he claimed.
Yusuf stated that after the bandits’ raid, security had been stepped up in Ikara.
Just then, he announced that one of the victims had been taken by ambulance to the Aminu Kano Hospital in Kano State with gunshot wounds.
The robbers had already fled the village by the time security agents, which included troops and police from Ikara town and the Palgore region, arrived at the site about 12:30 a.m., according to the report.
Alhassan also took use of the occasion to urge the people to alert the police immediately if they notice any suspicious activity or odd faces in their neighborhood.
The community was to fault for the terrible tragedy, according to the police chief, for failing to alert the authorities to the bandits’ presence in time to prevent the attack.
He claimed that although the bandits had been observed in the area earlier in the day, no one had been able to contact the proper security organization before the thugs struck at night.
“The Command is not satisfied with the situation,” he added, adding that “the bandits went to the village around 4 pm, buying stuff from the people.
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