1.He maintains his distance.
Without a call, a text, or a date, he abruptly makes the question. This was the person who used to call you nonstop and set up dates and activities. He seems to be so far away and suddenly too busy for you.
2.He always gets annoyed, so he says the meanest things.
A man who is over you speaks without any restraint and uses the nastiest language possible in an effort to set you off and lead you to end the relationship.
3.He replies “nothing” when you ask him what’s wrong.
Yes, you can tell that things are horrible, but he won’t acknowledge it. He no longer texts or calls you. He didn’t seem to have a life outside of you when you first met him; now he seems cold and aloof.
When you phone him, he doesn’t answer. You try to talk through the problems by describing how you have seen the changes, but he cuts you off by insisting that nothing is wrong when he finally picks up, and his comments are as icy as Canada in the winter.
4.He has no regard for you.
He doesn’t care if you had a hard day at work or school or are experiencing something particularly dismal; he lets you know this by his actions.
You find yourself pleading with him to express concern. Even your birthday and other key dates to you can be forgotten by him. When this occurs, ladies, it’s time to move on.
5.He is socializing with other folks.
It’s possible that he’s going out on dates with other women or spending more time with “his guys.” In either case, you can tell that his focus has changed.
When you phone him, his line may occasionally be busy. He may be online, but he may not respond to your SMS. He is constantly conversing with someone else, and that person is not you.
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