Lawal Nasiru, often known as Nasboi, is a Nigerian content producer who attributes his comic ability to the influence of seasoned Nollywood comedians like Charles Inojie, Francis Odega, and John Okafor (Mr. Ibu).
The 33-year-old comedian disclosed in a recent interview that in addition to picking up tips from his peers, he also sought advice from seasoned performers who had a big impact on his career.
Nasboi made it clear that he was grateful for the older comedians regardless of their age.
Speaking about how social media affected his career, Nasboi said that it was crucial in propelling him to stardom.
He emphasized social media’s educational and economical benefits as reasons why budding talents should take use of it.
He emphasized how simple it is to demonstrate skill and earn a living online, pointing to social media as a useful tool that helped him launch his acting and directing careers.
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