After Valentine, What Next?

Naijafinix Daily News Update

We get the fuss about Valentine’s Day. Even those who claim not to, get it. Sometimes they are broken-hearted, single and lonely or just plain joy killers. Usually, they dig up the story of St. Valentine and how Valentine isn’t so much about love or how there are so many other days in the year to show your partner you love them. As much as we can say the latter to be very correct, it does not take the celebration of love away from Valentine’s Day, neither does it stop you from being romantic and reassuring on other days.

This Valentine’s Day may have been a hit for you or not; whatever the case may be, here are eight ways to keep your romantic relationship going stronger:

1. Create a date night routine and stick to it.

2. Compliment your partner, not just in private but in front of others.

3. Find out what romance means to your significant other. Have an open mind while you do this. When you figure this out, do more of what they want while adding more of your idea of romance. This is the easiest way to thread carefully and sensitively in love.

4. Leave love notes. Letters are old fashion but notes can be the fine line between the old and new method of communication. Let him or her know you care and that s/he is one of the most important parts of your existence.

5. Spend quality time together and alone. This has nothing to do with sexual intercourse – Talk with each other, talk to each other, focus, snuggle, cuddle, and let them know how much you mean to them and what you admire most.

6. Pay attention to him or her – make your romantic partner a focus. Be the first to know when something is off – physically or emotionally.

7. Show support – Being in a relationship is not just about earning the title, you have to show support and be the go-to person when your partner needs it most.

8. Keep showing them you care – Valentine’s Day was a few days ago. Use the remaining days in the year to show that special person you care about them. Don’t wait till another February 14 or even their birthday.



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