The governor of Lagos state, Akinwunmi Ambode, has announced plans to transform the Maracan football ground in Ajegunle into a multipurpose sports complex. During a visit to the area, he said ”The Maracana football ground in Ajegunle will be transformed into a multipurpose sports complex which will include a football pitch, volley ball court, event centre and facilities for other sports and recreational activities.”
He also had a dialogue with stakeholders on the Apapa traffic gridlock. Posting on Instagram, Ambode said,
”Today’s dialogue with stakeholders on the Apapa traffic gridlock offered a rare opportunity to address the root causes of the problem.
As we create the road map for a permanent solution to the Apapa challenge, I urge all stakeholders to be committed to this cause. We will work with the Federal Government and other relevant stakeholders to return normalcy to Apapa and environs.”
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