Big Brother Naija contestants, Nelly and Anita, known together as Nelita, becomes the new Heads of House (HoHs) for week 3 and choose Chekas as their HoH guests.
Nelita emerged as the third Head of House of season 9, with votes from Aces, Wanni x Handi, Streeze, Beta, Chekas, Doublekay, Shatoria, and Mbadiwe Twins.
They took over from NdiNne, who were evicted during the Sunday Live eviction show. Nelita shocked everyone as they selected Chekas, Onyeka and Chizoba, as their HoH guests, instead of their love interests in the house, Aces.
Congratulations to NELITA @kweennely @UkahAnita for winning the HOH challenge and thanks for choosing CHEKAS❤️
“Ev!l b!ches!!!”
????: @BBNaija #OnyekaChigbo #Bbnaija #Chekas— Onyeka Chigbo (@itsonyekachigbo) August 12, 2024
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