During a Zoom interview in Lagos, the 27-year-old content creator claimed that she had already made up her mind to be unique, distinctive, upbeat, and calm before appearing on the show.
She claimed she had a premonition about being evicted.
“My strategy in the Big Brother house was just being myself. I said I was going to be myself and protect my peace. “This is because I know that Alex is not somebody that people can walk over. So, I was sure that if anybody ever got to a point where they constantly poked me and I have to react, of course, I will. “I will definitely stand up for myself, this was what I did in the house and that is what I also teach all the young boys and girls that are looking up to me in any school I go to. “I am like do not let anybody take your silence, peace and positivity for weakness. I am always peaceful and positive,” she said. Alex noted that the show had made her understand more the kind of power her personality holds. “I am proud to realise how much presence my personality carries because before I was like why is it that when I walk into a place everybody always likes to see how to take me out, even if I have not said anything?
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