- The corporately dressed tricyclist who customized his keke with cups of sweet
A Twitter user identified as Alkeba Tata (@RxTata), has taken to the social networking platform to share the photo of an usual Keke Napep which he recently rode on in Lagos.
According to the lady, the tricyclist was corporately dressed in suit, well shaven, and customized his Keke with cup full of sweets for his passengers.
The happy passenger posted the photo and wrote: “Anything you find yourself doing do it well. The Keke driver is always dressed in suit , clean shave, clean Keke and cups of sweet for his passengers . He will go places for sure.”
Anything you find yourself doing do it well. The Keke driver is always dressed in suit , clean shave, clean Keke and cups of sweet for his passengers . He will go places for sure .
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