A Lagos State High Court has adjourned 2Face’s N50M defamation of character lawsuit, brought to it against his former bandmate Blackface. In his ruling on Wednesday morning, March 20, 2019, Justice Oyefeso of the Lagos High Court adjourned 2Face’s lawsuit against Blackface and according to him, a new date which has not yet been fixed will be conveyed to both parties within one week.
A statement from Blackface’s lawyer, Mani Enajeroh of M.O Enajeroh, after the adjournment of the case reads,
Copyright system in Nigeria will eventually kill every iota of
creativity in Nigerian music, unless someone takes up this issue of
royalties.Even though we don’t have functioning collective societies
that doesn’t mean we can’t be fair to one another. Because of speaking
out about this Blackface was sued for N50m.That’s why it’s important
that this case must be struck out. The case is a threat to freedom of
expression, and intellectual property in general. We are confident that
the Court will strike out the case. This is a copyright issue, no matter
how you look at it and it ought to be at the Federal High Court. Look
at their court documents, they did not admit anywhere that Blackface
wrote “Let somebody love you”. The stories are never consistent.”
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