Faith Food Devotions:- TO THE CHURCH

Faith Food DevotionsApril 12


And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, Which is his body . . . . — EPHESIANS 1:22,23

What a need there is for the Church to awaken to the appreciation of her mighty place and privilege — to be exalted to the place God wants her, and to realize she is to rule over the powers of the air!

How often the Church has failed in her ministry of authority, actually bowing down in defeat and being overcome with fear.

. . . And gave him to be the head over all things TO THE CHURCH . . . .” To the Church! The reason Jesus is Head over all things — the devil, demons, sickness, poverty, and everything else that’s evil — is for the benefit of the Church! We need to sit reverently and meditate before these mighty truths so their tremendous meaning can grasp our hearts. In this attitude, the Spirit of Truth can lift us into the place where we can see the full meaning of what God’s Word is saying: That God made Christ to be the head over all things for the sake of the Church, so that the Church, through the Head of the Church, might exercise authority over all things.


Jesus is my Head. Jesus is Lord over all. Jesus has given me authority over all the hosts of the enemy. Greater is Jesus that is in me than he that is in the world. I am more than a conqueror through Him that loved me and gave Himself for me.

Excerpt From: Kenneth E. Hagin. “Faith Food Devotions.”



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