Faith Food Daily Devotions August 17, 2018. Today’s Topic:- GUARDIAN ANGELS

Faith Food Devotions

August 17


Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven. — MATTHEW 18:10

Years ago, a group of us were ministering to the Lord in prayer, such as is described in Acts 13:1 and 2. I had just gotten up off my knees and had sat down on the platform by a folding chair, still praying in other tongues, when suddenly Jesus stood right in front of me! And standing right behind Jesus, about two feet to Jesus’ right and three feet behind Him was a large angel! The angel must have been eight feet tall — a big fellow.
Jesus talked to me about some things (and everything He said later came to pass).

When He finished what He was telling me, I asked Him, “Who is that fellow? What does he represent?”
Jesus answered, “That’s your angel.”
I said, “My angel?”
“Yes,” He said. “You remember when I was on earth I said of little children that their angel is ever before My Father’s face. You don’t lose your angel just because you grow up.”

Isn’t that comforting? Everywhere I go, I’ve got that big fellow following me around!

According to Hebrews 1:14, angels are sent forth to minister FOR those who are the heirs of salvation. I am an heir of salvation. My angel is sent forth to minister for me.

Excerpt From: Kenneth E. Hagin. “Faith Food Devotions.”



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