The Lagos State police command has arrested a 42-year-old driver, John Ololo, and his partners in crime who used to give stranded ladies lift in order to rob them. .
According to Newtelegraph, Ololo also confessed that he used the money made from the robberies to augment his monthly salary. The suspect was arrested alongside his gang members, Augustine Emmanuel (21) and Anayo Oluchwku (25). .
Police said that the gang used to rob ladies returning from clubs of their phones and other valuables. After Ololo conceived the idea of using his company’s car to rob, he recruited Emmanuel and Oluchwku. .
Whatever money made during operations was shared equally. He said: “My boss usually allows me to take the car home because of where I live. There was always the need to drive to my boss’ home to pick him.
I have been taking the car home for about a year now. Sometimes, when I’m going to the office, I pick passengers along the way. Our modus operandi is to dress well and go to any club. .
After clubbing, we would offer ladies free ride; we usually pick two ladies. Once they enter, one of us would bring out a toy gun and threaten to shoot them. We would dispossess them of their valuables. .
I have collected many phones from ladies since I started this operation. My monthly salary is N65,000. Unfortunately, the salary is not enough. That was why I decided to use the car to rob. .
The money I make from robberies is to supplement my salary.” On his part, Oluchkwu said: “Unfortunately, last Saturday, we were returning from one of the clubs when policemen arrested us at Lekki roundabout.” .
Augustine said: “When Ololo brought the idea, I didn’t know we would be arrested so soon. It was greed that made me to follow him. I have not been involved in robbery before.”
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