I Just Finished Having Sex With My Pastor, We Prayed And He Told Me, “To Go And Sin No More”, What Does He Mean By That?
Hello Naijafinix Lovers:-
Please beg not to insult me, because I’ve already hated myself;
I just slept with my rev father , a priest in our church without protection, I did not go to him, he came to me and I did not want to disrespect him so I opened up my body and he used me, and even tried to penetrate my anus, but I refused.
The most shocking part of it was that after the sex, he asked us to pray and we knelt down, after prayers he told me to go and sin no more then gave me 12 thousand naira and said I should use it to take care of myself. What does he mean exactly when he said I should go and sin no more? How do I take care of myself? He did not even give me a hug or clean me up like my boyfriend does, he just left me and went out.
wonders shall never end
Hmmm. ??
This is arrant nonsense. He is not a true reverend father. Two if you had sinned. May God your sins like Nigerians forgave PDP.