On Tuesday, October 3, 2023, during the prize presentation ceremony, the reality star was unable to conceal her happiness. She sincerely thanked the viewers, her housemates, and the show’s producers, promising to live up to their expectations.
“Thank you so much, guys. I’m really happy to be your winner. To my housemates, thank you, thank you, guys,” she exclaimed giddily. I swear to uphold my end of the bargain and never let you guys down. I’ll make sure to use the money wisely, and I sincerely appreciate your generosity. I adore you guys.
Ilebaye made a point of pointing out that it hasn’t quite sunk in that she won the competition before presenting her acceptance speech. She discussed her thoughts at the moment she was declared the winner while speaking to the host, Ebuka Obi-Uchendu.
I’m still attempting to adjust to every circumstance, she remarked. I was ecstatic and couldn’t believe it when I heard my name; when I then saw my parents, I just ran in their direction. I’ve had no sleep at all.
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