Indian Man To Sue His Parents For Giving Birth To Him Without His Consent

Dialogue is always the best option for peace to reign in the world but does that actually apply to relationship between parents and their unborn child? Well, an Indian man is changing that narrative as he is about to sue his parents for giving birth to him without first engaging him in a dialogue and getting his consent before his birth.

27-year-old man, Raphael Samuel, from New Delhi, India, is an
anti-natalist, a person who believes that people should abstain from
procreation because giving birth to sentient beings without asking for
their consent is morally wrong.

Samuel doesn’t have anything
against children or life itself, he simply believes that a life form
which has not given its consent to live should not be brought into the
world and thus to be subject to the hardships of life. Because he
considers himself a victim of life without “forced life”, the young
Indian plans to take his parents to court.

“I want to tell all Indian kids that they don’t owe their parents anything,” Samuel told The Print.
love my parents, and we have a great relationship, but they had me for
their joy and their pleasure. My life has been amazing, but I don’t see
why I should put another life through the rigamarole of school and
finding a career, especially when they didn’t ask to exist.”

27-year-old runs an anti-natalism Facebook page where he routinely posts
anti-procreation messages like “Isn’t forcing a child into this world
and forcing it to have a career, kidnapping and slavery?” or “Your
parents had you instead of a toy or a dog, you owe them nothing, you are
their entertainment”. His page, Nihilanand, only has 431 followers, but
Raphael doesn’t seem to bothered about that, after all, we all have to
start somewhere.

“Other Indian people must know that it is an
option not to have children, and to ask your parents for an explanation
as to why they gave birth to you,” Samuel said.

Although still small in number, India’s anti-natalist movement is growing at a steady pace and plans to set up a national-level organisation that works on spreading awareness about child-free living. Their arguments range from ethical ones to easing the strain on Earth’s resources or defying societal pressure



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