If Amasa Aljanatu Firdaus is a Muslim fanatics for refusing to remove her hijab and risk being denied the call to the Prestigious Nigerian Bar then Leah Sharibu is a Christian fanatics for refusing to adorn hijab even at the risk of her life! Like Leah Sharibu, like Amasa Firdaus. Amasa Firdaus decline removing her hijab, Leah Sharibu decline wearing hijab! Leah Sharibu decline wearing hijab putting her life on the line, Amasa Firdaus decline removing her hijab putting her 18years dream and ambition at risk!! Leah Sharibu decline wearing the hijab and risked being eliminated! Amasa Firdaus decline removing her hijab at the risk of loosing the privilege of becoming a solicitor and advocate of the Supreme Court, Leah Sharibu decline wearing hijab at the risk of regaining freedom from her abductors!! Leah Sharibu decline wearing hijab damming the public opinion, Amasa Firdaus refuse removing her hijab not minding what would be the Public Comments! Amasa Firdaus insist on wearing hijab not bothered by what wil be the reactions or feelings of her Parents, Leah Sharibu would not wear the hijab even if she would not meet her parents again! Leah Sharibu would not wear the hijab because to her it is against her religious inclination, Amasa Aljanatu Firdaus would not remove the hijab because it is not allowed for a matured Muslim Lady to go out without hijab! Amasa Firdaus would not remove the hijab even at the threat of terrorist, Leah Sharibu would not wear the hijab daring the dreaded Boko Haram! Amasa is not intimidated by the terrorist, Leah is not perturbed by the presence of the devils progeny!
But unlike Amasa Firdaus, Leah was unanimously sympathized with irrespective of religious affiliation or tribal jingoism, And worst unlike Amasa Aljanatu Firdaus the President and the Nigerian Government were interested in Leah Sharibu’s release!!
What is the offence of my sister? Why was she not sympathised with by the President and the Nigerian government? Why cant Mr President also make a proclamation or even promise that Amasa’s case would be resolved, why is it that our dear President is still silent over Amasa’s case can’t he realise that Amasa is the Siamese twin of Leah? They both did the same thing, and commit the same offence!! Why will he support one and leave the other to her faith? This is unlike a good father! If Leah Sharibu deserves the attention of Mr President and the sympathy of Nigerians, then Amasa Aljanatu Firdaus should be called to bar without further delay.
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