Massive 13ft Alligator Shot And Killed After Cows Started Vanishing – ( Pics)




Massive 13ft ‘absolute beast’ of an alligator shot and killed by hunter after cows started vanishing.

A massive alligator has been shot and killed by a hunter after livestock started vanishing.

Mississippi hunter Doug Borries stalked the 13ft beast as it roamed in a private lake in Vancleave, South Florida.

Doug who owns Dynamic Outdoors TV, staked out on top of the lake’s levee before the crack of dawn.

He eventually saw the alligator emerge through the scope of his rifle and claims to have shot it from around 457 metres away.

When the monster moved closer, Doug says he fired a single shot which struck the alligator just above the eyes from about 293 metres away.

He wrote on Facebook: “I was lucky enough to put a perfect shot on him at such a long range. It pays to have a good gun.”

He and some other then had to haul the alligator from the bottom of the lake.

It is believed to be 80 years old and weighed 410 kilograms.

He told McClatchy News: “I had no idea the magnitude of how big his body was until we pulled him completely out of the lake.

“It had been suspected of eating some of the local livestock around the lake and was considered a threat.”

Doug was deer hunting with a friend when he first heard about the alligator killing livestock.

He said: “This guy said he’d seen the gator since he was a child.

“It was time for the gator to go because some of the calves were disappearing.

“He asked me if I wanted to come and hunt the gator. I said, ‘Absolutely.’ To me it was a once in a lifetime opportunity.”

To make sure he got the job done, Borries used a specialised approach.

He told WXXV: “What most hunters do, as far as hunting gators, four or five guys get in a boat.

“They’ll go out at night time, and then when they pull him up, they hit him in the head with a bang stick.

“It’s got a loaded shotgun shell at the end of a stick, and I didn’t want to hunt him that way.

“I wanted to hunt him like I would if it was just me and a deer.”

Borries has 36 state records for hunting and fishing and holds nine world records.

He intends on mounting the animal in his home.



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