Iyabo Ojo, a well-known actress, voiced her disappointment today since the police commissioner’s two-week deadline for disclosing the autopsy findings in the MohBad case has passed without any new information from the authorities.
On September 20, demonstrators gathered at the House of Assembly to call for justice for the deceased singer. They were joined by the “Justice for MohBad” group she leads. They met with Idowu Owohunwa, the Lagos State Commissioner of Police, who accused Naira Marley and Sam Larry of being responsible for MohBad’s death and hinted at video evidence, during their efforts.
Iyabo Ojo revealed a portion of a discussion she had with the police on October 4 in which they asked for an additional 14 days to wrap up their investigation and turn over the results of the autopsy. In two weeks, I should be able to collect everyone and say, “This is where we are,” the police commissioner said. This is the development we’ve achieved.
Iyabo Ojo answered, “So we’re coming back here in two weeks?” which her crew affirmed, “Yes.” They would be welcomed, the police commissioner reassured them.
Iyabo Ojo has asked the police for an update on their investigation into MohBad’s contentious death on behalf of the Nigerian people now that the two-week investigation deadline has passed. She emphasized the need for justice for all Nigerian children as well as the late DJ Splash and singer.
Iyabo Ojo encouraged the police to provide an update in the caption that accompanied the video clip, writing, “Sir, the whole world awaits to hear from you, sir.”
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