MOTIVATION:- God Doesn’t Remember Your Mistakes

Health Food Devotions

March 18

God Doesn’t Remember Your Mistakes

I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins. —ISAIAH 43:25

What could be holding up your healing? The devil may be telling you that because you made some mistakes, because you sinned, you’re paying for it now. The devil is a liar. That’s not so! When you confessed and repented of those things, Jesus forgave you. He doesn’t remember that you ever did anything wrong.

When my son Ken was small, he sometimes wanted to act up in church. I would say to him, “Now I’m going to punish you if you do that again. When we get home, I’m going to spank you.” Well, often, I would forget that I said that, so I never did punish him. For me to punish him, I would have had to have remembered that I said I would.

God said, “I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins” (Isa. 43:25). For God to punish you, He would have to remember your sins, but He doesn’t remember them.

That’s the devil talking to you, telling you that you’re paying for some wrong that you committed. So don’t listen to him. God is not punishing you—He wants to deliver you. Healing belongs to you.


When I asked God to forgive me, He forgave and forgot my transgressions and my iniquities. I am clean before Him because of the blood of Jesus Christ. Because I refuse to dwell on any past mistakes or sins, I receive healing now!

Excerpt From: Kenneth E. Hagin. “Health Food Devotions.”



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