National Grid Collapse: Pictures Of The Sabotaged Transmission Tower


National Grid Collapse: Pictures Of The Sabotaged Transmission Tower

Yesterday we had a grid collapse, the driver was sabotage of Ikot-Ekpene Calabar 330kv tower. The grid is connected, an event at a large power source can collapse the system. Sabotage of our infrastructure by citizens is difficult to comprehend. The list is long.

  1. AKK gas pipeline: Attacks and kidnapping of personnel delayed project in 2022
  2. Zungeru 750MW Hydro Power: Kidnapping of personnel delayed project completion at 95%
  3. Multiple instances of damage to Damaturu-Maiduguri 330kV lines pushing Maiduguri into darkness.
  4. Abuja – Kaduna Rail damage and subsequent attack kidnapping and killings
  5. Okpai gas pipeline damage taking 350MW off the grid

It is important to improve security but infrastructure is vast, spans thousands of kilometres and has multiple risk points, when citizens sabotage infrastructure it leads you to question if we want to progress as an nation. Hardship inflicted on fellow citizens is unconscionable.

We will work to innovate infrastructure security protocol but securing our infrastructure must be everyone’s work. If you see someone damaging infrastructure please take actions to report to authorities or intervene if possible. This is our “common wealth” and we must protect it.



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