Charismatic, “Crazy” Murder Suspect Hits Journalists With Food In SA
Social media sensation Nomia Rosemary Ndlovu, the policewoman accused of orchestrating the murders of her boyfriend and five family members to cash in on insurance policies, has continued with her erratic behaviour during her trial as she threw food at journalists on Thursday.
Ndlovu’s behaviour during her trial in South Africa has shifted from animatedly posing in front of photographers, cracking jokes with journalists, crying about her murdered boyfriend, and even showing her buttocks to onlookers.
Nomia Ndlovu Shows Off Her Behind in Court
On Thursday, however, Ndlovu’s mood seemed to sour as she hurled items at members of the media while she was leaving the Palm Ridge Magistrate’s Court in Johannesburg.
As she is being escorted out of court, Ndlovu reaches into her handbag and throws an item at a photographer. Before climbing into the police van, Ndlovu then attempts to throw Pringles chips at other journalists filming the proceedings.
Nomia Ndlovu Hits Journalists with Food
Ndlovu is accused of planning the murders of five of her relatives, as well as her boyfriend, so she could cash in on their funeral and life insurance policies. The state claims that she benefitted to the amount of 1.4 million rands (39 million naira) from the policies of the people that were killed.
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