Narrating what happened, she said her boyfriend visited his friend, a mobile phone technician named Matthew, at his shop on Sunday, April 3, 2022.

Police officers in Osogbo have been accused of killing a young man and dumping his body in an undisclosed location.
The man’s girlfriend took to social media to demand for justice.
The lady in an Instagram post, accused the Nigerian police of shooting her boyfriend and taking him to an undisclosed location in Osogbo, Ogun State.
She shared a photo of her boyfriend named Abiola and asked the police where he is.
Narrating what happened, she said her boyfriend visited his friend, a mobile phone technician named Matthew, at his shop on Sunday, April 3, 2022.
She said Abiola then followed the friend home and while they were having dinner with Matthew’s fiancée, the police barged in without warrant, claiming they were on a raid.
In the process, they shot Abiola on the leg and then took his body to an undisclosed hospital.
Matthew and his fiancée were also detained but the fiancée has now been released while Matthew remains in custody.
Abiola’s girlfriend said the police has claimed they don’t known Abiola’s whereabouts, yet they are in possession of his phone and car.
“Nigerian police, where is Abiola? Fellow Nigerians please help us,” the girlfriend cried out on Instagram.

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