Veteran Nollywood actor, Sylvester Madu also known as Shina Rambo, was recently spotted selling second-hand clothes, commonly known as ‘okrika,’ at a market in Enugu state.
A Nigerian man with the TikTok handle @ejimaa came across the actor as he was sorting a bale of clothes in the market and filmed a video of him to share on the popular video-sharing platform.
In the clip, the 48-year-old movie star, who is well-known for playing tough characters in movies, is seen arranging his wares and selling to people.
The video has since gone viral on social media, sparking mixed reactions from netizens, with some claiming that the actor was filming a movie in the market, while others asserted that there is nothing wrong with the actor having a legitimate side hustle apart from acting.
Source- yabaleft
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