I am a believer that marriage is an institution that should be preserved, however sometimes when you look at the various break ups, you find out the woman and children have a lot to lose. Too many interruptions from family, friends and all this advice of take a second wife to give me grandchildren. So I suggest alimony should be brought to the table. So that when a man either impregnates or leaves his wife or a woman, he must be made to pay child support this way control will be brought to the institution called marriage and children will not have to suffer for the irresponsibility of their parent.
Reason i propose these is that little is done by parents to take care of their children’s future. For example, how many parents are willing to take up insurance on their life so that when they get old and pass on their children will become beneficiaries.
I once heard a man who now lives abroad say his child is irrespossibel and he has no business taking care of him (a child he had when he visited nigeria while married). Mind you his elder brother who has five children of his own has been taking care of the child since birth. This man lives overseas and is married with children, do you think he can utter this in the country he resides which happens to be the US.
Hence my concern will correctly say what are parents doing to help their children other than blaming society or federation. What securities are their for the upcoming generation. But when they pass on children are expected to perform during burials to the tune of millions
Should Alimony Be Practiced In Nigeria
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