The Nativity Of Our Being:- Mark And Matthew (Naijafinix Twins) Celebrates Their Birthday This Year

The Nativity Of Our Being:- Mark And Matthew (Naijafinix Twins) Celebrates Their Birthday This Year

  • Identical Twins, full of resemblance

Life is purposeless, meaningless, and shapeless if we exist in isolation without the company of our fellow human and no wonder Aristotle boldly put it by postulating that One who lives in isolation without others is either a god or a beast and so therefore, Since we are not, we wholeheartedly share the uniqueness of our so called existence that came from our maker who created us without our consent by placing this very day into his care.

  • Enekanma Mark Chimaobi

Nevertheless, we live in a world of absurdity, We are nothing else but that which we make of ourselves.

The names we give to ourselves are the names the world will also make reference to. If we value ourselves as humans then the world will value us.

  • Enekanma Matthew Chinedu

A world without God is meaningless and useless. Man lives in nakedness until he clothes himself. Naked my brother and I came into the world from our MOTHER’S womb crying and panting as babies. We indeed never remained in our nakedness but rather gave ourselves value and as such the world values us.

Rejoice with us as we Celebrate our birthday today been 7th June, 2019. May the Almighty God bless the source of our existence and provide for them always. We are not forgetting you my beloved siblings, friends and well wishers, our love for you all is endless and we wish to let you know that we both enjoy your company as family members and friends.

We both are really indebted to you all. You are in our prayers always. God bless you all.

Check Out More Photos Of The Featured Naijafinix Twins (2017, 2018, 2019.)

  • Enekanma Mark Chimaobi

  • Enekanma Matthew Chinedu

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  1. Wow…Am speechless Mr Naijafinix, how did you know its our birthday…All the same, thanks for being round the globe doing that which you know how to do well….

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