The actor responded to the situation on Instagram. He also gave his friends and family assurances that he was strong, robust, and hale. He then promised to file a lawsuit against individuals peddling the bogus information.
He wrote, “Good day, my lovely people,” in his caption. This distressing matter has come to my attention, and I must confront it. Some dishonest people have been maliciously utilizing my photos and videos, falsely announcing that I’ve passed away to drive traffic to their websites. I want to start by assuring you that I am, in fact, very much alive and well. These misleading stories are nothing more than unfounded rumors that have been propagated by people with bad motives. I’ll be filing a lawsuit against
Despite being inaccurate, the actor’s death announcement shocked his followers and the Nollywood entertainment business. Everyone is relieved now that the fake news has been exposed.
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