Famous controversial actor, Uche Maduagwu, has sparked reactions online with a heartfelt message he dedicated to Yul Edochie’s first wife, May. Maduagwu, in his post, noted that May’s decision not to accept Yul’s polygamy proposal had inspired many Nigerian women to see that they are powerful even in marriage.
He also said May’s refusal gives many women the confidence never to accept what doesn’t make them happy in marriage. The controversial personality then fired shots at Yul, noting that his first wife is now way more celebrated than him, a celebrity.
She says; Honestly, it is better for a man to wear women #dress and #MakeUp than for a Man to Marry, and yet go give Colleague BELLE secretly, and then go pay her #Bride Price without the Knowledge of his IYAWO. Dear MAY, the very fact that you no go begin social media #Drama over this like some women would shows you are WISE and Extraordinary. In fact, you deserve a standing Ovation for your Excellent spiritual Maturity. If you had accepted POLYGAMY, by now, you too for DEY do Argument Competition on social media for Attention all in the name of Content.
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