How A Single Mother got her groove back after learning to masturbate with a vibrator
Nigerian women are beginning to be bold in discussing sex and sexual satisfaction unlike in the past.
Nigerian single mother has revealed what she faced after giving birth
to her child and why she dumped Nigerian men for masturbation with
The lady said the stretch marks on her tummy and her
fallen boobs made her lack self confidence with guys. That she got
scared anytime she was to have sex with a guy, she would always switch
off the light.
She decided not to continue with that. When a
friend introduced her to vibrator. She decided to buy one for herself
and after trying it out (her expression in the video says it all, with
the reactions of the other ladies) she decided not to go for men again
to satisfy herself. She made up her mind to be on her own. If a man
can’t take her to the ‘heavens’, no show for the man.
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