Woman Accuses Former Employer of Snatching Her Boyfriend
A lady has called out her former boss on Twitter. Ashley Nwosu alleged that her former employer snatched her fiance.
However, it didn’t take long before her former employer responded, threatening legal action.
Ashley Nwosu claimed that she worked for her boss for two years and joined the woman in building from scratch, even to the point of working for free when the business was failing. She added that the woman paid her back by allegedly snatching her fiance before firing her.
Though she didn’t call names, her former boss responded, asking if she can prove the claims she made in court. Ashley tweeted back at her former employer and told her that she can’t shut her up. She then threatened to released photo proof.
The ex-employer asked her to release photo proof and also accused her of being dishonest with funds while working for her. See their exchange below:
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