​My 10-Year-Old Cousin Smokes And Gambles, What Should I Do Before It Gets Worse? 

​My 10-Year-Old Cousin Smokes And Gambles, What Should I Do Before It Gets Worse? 

Naijafinix Daily News Update

I am grieved,The boy i saw when he was given birth to,The boy i backed,The boy i trained etc.

We all started living with my grandfather when we were born because he(grandfather) wants an happy family.

Everything changed last year,the family separated because we(grand children) want to live with our parent.

My 10 years old cousin got admission into SS1 in a private school last year,he started coming home with much cash but the mother(A single parent) over looks it because she do give him huge cash as pocket money.

On wednesday he came home around 12pm from school,stole his mums 30k to buys a BMX bicycle,the mother was angry to the extend he called my elder he told him everything.We had to return the bicycle but we couldn’t recover the whole cash because the bicycle seller turned it to a fight, but we settled everything.

The mum took him to school for him to be punished but revelations started revealing itself

1.It been long he attended school,every blessed morning he do leaves home saying he’s going to school which is false

2.His school fees which was given to him by his mum he spent the whole 50k.

3.He’s a gambler,he rolls dice.

4.He’s a smoker.

We haven’t descipline him because we believes we(my elder brother and i) should tell him the dangers of his behaviour but he still smoke yesterday in an hiding place but my neigbhour caught him.

What should i do…

I’m suggesting the mum should send him to navy or army boarding school.

The mum is tired of him.

I told him that if he joins any cult i wouldn’t mind joining the Nigeria force just to take him down..

Please help me



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